2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 18, 2002 5:30 AM by ramas_srs

    Sending ObjectMessage to MDB

      I am trying to run the following JMS CLient program and the associated MDB in JBoss v3.0 EJB
      server. The client program (GeoClient_MsgProducer.java) is able to send the messages to the
      mesage queue, but, the MDB does not seem to act on the messages. I would appreciate any help
      on this. Following are the code snippets. I can send the full code if required.

      1. Client program : GeoClient_MsgProducer
      import com.totalflood.poseidon.common.GeoCodeRequest ;
      import javax.jms.* ;
      import java.util.Date;
      public class GeoClient_MsgProducer {

      public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {

      GeoCodeRequest gReq = new GeoCodeRequest() ;
      int count = 5 ;
      Context jndiContext = getInitialContext ();

      QueueConnectionFactory factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)jndiContext.lookup ("ConnectionFactory");
      Queue msgQueue1 = (Queue)jndiContext.lookup ("queue/geoq-GeoCoder");

      QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConnection ();
      QueueSession session = connect.createQueueSession (false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
      QueueSender sender = session.createSender (msgQueue1);
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      gReq.setMsgSrc("GeoClient") ;
      gReq.setReqId(1) ;
      gReq.setCertNo(1) ;
      gReq.setCltId(10010) ;
      gReq.setPropAddr1("6033 West Century Boulevard") ;
      gReq.setPropAddr2("Suite 1075") ;
      gReq.setPropCity("Los Angeles") ;
      gReq.setStateCd("CA") ;
      gReq.setPropZip("90045") ;
      System.out.println ("Sending message #"+i);
      ObjectMessage tmpObjMsg = session.createObjectMessage() ;
      tmpObjMsg.setObject(gReq) ;
      sender.send ((Message)tmpObjMsg);

      connect.close ();

      public static Context getInitialContext ()
      throws javax.naming.NamingException {
      return new InitialContext ();

      2. Message Driven Bean : GeoMsgProcessorBean

      import com.totalflood.poseidon.common.GeoCodeRequest ;
      import java.util.*;

      import javax.jms.*;

      import javax.naming.*;
      import javax.ejb.* ;
      import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
      import java.rmi.RemoteException;
      public class GeoMsgProcessorBean
      implements javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean, javax.jms.MessageListener {

      MessageDrivenContext ejbContext;
      Context jndiContext;

      public void setMessageDrivenContext (MessageDrivenContext mdc) {
      ejbContext = mdc;
      jndiContext = new InitialContext ();
      catch(NamingException ne) {
      throw new EJBException (ne);

      public void ejbCreate () {}

      public void onMessage (Message message) {
      System.out.println ("MsgProcessor::onMessage() called..");
      String jmsQueue = "queue/geoq-JmsRcv" ;
      String hveQueue = "queue/hveq-HVE" ;
      GeoCodeRequest gReqRslt = new GeoCodeRequest() ;
      ObjectMessage procObjMsg = (ObjectMessage)message;
      /* Check the message source. If the message is from the "GeoClient" program,
      then it is to be sent to the Jms client for GeoCoding. If the message is
      from the Jms client then send the message to the next queue/module */
      String msgSrc = procObjMsg.getStringProperty("MessageSource") ;
      System.out.println("Message Source = "+msgSrc) ;
      if (msgSrc.equals("GeoClient")) {
      sendMsgToQueue(procObjMsg, jmsQueue) ;
      if (msgSrc.equals("JmsClient")) {
      gReqRslt = (GeoCodeRequest)procObjMsg.getObject() ;
      // Print the geocoded details
      String outputStrng1 = procObjMsg.getStringProperty("MessageContent") ;
      String outputStrng2 = gReqRslt.getStdAddr1() ;
      String outputStrng3 = gReqRslt.getStdAddr2() ;
      String outputStrng4 = gReqRslt.getStdCity() ;
      String outputStrng5 = gReqRslt.getStdStateCd() ;
      String outputStrng6 = gReqRslt.getStdZip() ;
      System.out.println ("********************************");
      System.out.println (outputStrng2);
      System.out.println (outputStrng3);
      System.out.println (outputStrng4+", "+outputStrng5+" - "+outputStrng6);
      System.out.println ("********************************");
      //sendMsgToQueue(procObjMsg, hveQueue) ;
      } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new EJBException (e);

      public void ejbRemove () {
      jndiContext.close ();
      ejbContext = null;
      } catch(NamingException ignored) { }

        • 1. Re: Sending ObjectMessage to MDB

          when you say does not act does that mean you are getting no debug at all from your MDB? If your MDB is deploying okay then the error can only be in your xml config which you should check through or post.

          • 2. Re: Sending ObjectMessage to MDB

            You are right ! The problem WAS in the XML config file "<some-dir>\src\resources\beans\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml". All that I needed to do was to comment out this line :

            <message-selector>MessageFormat = 'Version 3.4'</message-selector>

            After that the MDB was able to get triggered on receiving an object message in the queue to which it was bound.

