3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2008 4:00 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    How i can update a dataTable using another option over a4j:f


      Friends, i have this big problem! When i update my dataTable using there option another fields of my form dont works curretly! Then i need of another function!!

      ideas ?

      Thanks very much!

        • 1. Re: How i can update a dataTable using another option over a

          Very poor explanation. Provide code example with more detailed description please.

          • 2. Re: How i can update a dataTable using another option over a


            "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
            Very poor explanation. Provide code example with more detailed description please.

            Ok. My problem:

            I had a form: <h:form id="form"> - that involving every page

            and had a datatable:

            <t:dataTable id="data" ...

            BUT, I have to introduce ajax in datatable not to need more reloading entire page to update it. So did the following:

            change my form for an ajax4java form:

            <a4j:form id="form" ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="data">

            But then, other fields that only update to reload the page no longer function.

            The explicit problem:

            I need update my datatable, but dont only in the time of submit..

            • 3. Re: How i can update a dataTable using another option over a

              so.. the problem is

              a4j:form with ajaxSubmit=true - makes ALL the action components submits via ajax. It(form) has own reRender and other ajax attributes.. So in your case - you should use ajax action components inside dataTable, standard componetns outside and do not use ajaxSubmit = true for all the componetns.