1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 19, 2003 10:49 PM by adrian.brock

    JBoss & Log4J Problem!!!


      1. Start a JBoss Server, which open a message topic "testTopic"

      2. Start a standalone Java program (a message listener) and define the Log4J JMSAppender level to "DEBUG" (for standalone Java Program). We want publish the Message Listener's debug info. to JBoss server.

      3. After the console print out the follwing message, the program (message listener), hang forever

      [java] DEBUG referenceable.SpyConnectionFactoryObjectFactory - Extracting
      SpyConnectionFactory from reference
      [java] DEBUG referenceable.SpyConnectionFactoryObjectFactory - The Generic
      ConnectionFactory is: GenericConnectionFactory:[server=org.jboss.mq.il.oil.OILSe
      rverIL@17a8a02,connectionProperties={OIL_TCPNODELAY_KEY=yes, PingPeriod=60000, O
      IL_PORT_KEY=8090, ClientILService=org.jboss.mq.il.oil.OILClientILService, OIL_AD
      [java] DEBUG mq.Connection - Setting the clockDaemon's thread factory
      [java] DEBUG mq.GenericConnectionFactory - Handing out ClientIL: org.jboss
      [java] DEBUG oil.OILClientILService - Waiting for the server to connect to
      me on port 1298

      4. If we only set the level to "INFO", the above message not shown (because they are in DEBUG level) and program runs correctly.

      5. Question is: WHY that happened? and what are oil.OILClientILService doing when it try to print
      [java] DEBUG oil.OILClientILService - Waiting for the server to connect to
      me on port 1298

      6. Is Log4J sending JMS message conflicts with out program's sending debug message?

      7. But why when we sending "INFO" it is okay?

        • 1. Re: JBoss & Log4J Problem!!!

          It sounds to me like the appender is deadlocking
          because the appender uses jbossmq which uses log4j.
          Try taking a threaddump.

          You can set the category
          org.jboss.mq to FATAL or NONE to avoid this problem.
