2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 17, 2003 2:31 AM by 12web

    Messages delivering with topics



      I met the following issue:
      Two clients are connected to a server, one runs locally on the machine, the other runs on a remote machine.

      The remote client does not receive JMS messages (due to topic subscriptions) although it can deal with EJB (getting and setting) with the server. But the local client does.

      Furthermore, if the server is my dev machine, it works.

      Could someone give me some clues to investigate. I guess there is a security issue but the guest role has full acces for the topic. Enabling tracing for orgjboss.mq did not reveal any strange thing.

      Thinks in advance,


        • 1. Re: Messages delivering with topics

          > The remote client does not receive JMS messages (due to topic subscriptions)

          Can you provide more details?



          • 2. Re: Messages delivering with topics

            My client subscribes to JMS topics and the publishing is only done on the server side.

            I got the logging of the subscribing done by the client but no clue of incoming messages and I got the proof the messages are published by the server as a client running on the same machine as my server receives those messages.

            The strangest is everything is working fine on my dev machine and I got the problem when going into preproduction.
