2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2004 2:18 PM by chanchal11

    Using Servlets for MQSeries


      Hey, I am passing some form parameters to a Servlet which is creating a MQseries message from these parameters and putting it in a queue.When Servlet is invoked it gives following error in MQseries code:
      In doPost() Input information is; price_zone: 10$; point_of_sale: w; event: aa; entry_timestamp: 12; perf: aa; no_seats: 2; order_id: 1 Creating a QueueConnectionFactory Creating a Connection
      HTTP ERROR: 500 javax/resource/ResourceException

      I putted all jar files in my application folder(Ear) and added into application.xml file.Its very simple example.Please take a look at this and let me know where I am wrong.Here is my Servlet code:

      import java.io.*;
      import java.util.*;
      import javax.servlet.*;
      import javax.servlet.http.*;
      import javax.jms.*;
      import com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory;

      // Import required for program tracing
      import com.ibm.mq.jms.services.ConfigEnvironment;

      public class Simple extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

      public static String QMGR = "QM1";
      public static final String QUEUE = "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE" ;
      Queue ioQueue= null;
      QueueSession session = null;
      QueueConnection connection = null;
      QueueConnectionFactory factory = null;
      //define a queue manager object

      public Simple()

      System.out.println("Inside constructor");

      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException

      String tempAddress = "Input information is";
      PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

      if ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equals(req.getContentType()))
      out.println("In doPost()");
      Enumeration enum = req.getParameterNames();
      while (enum.hasMoreElements())
      String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
      String values = req.getParameter(name);
      if(values != null)
      tempAddress = tempAddress + "; " + name + ": " + values;


      out.println("Creating a QueueConnectionFactory");
      factory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();

      // Create a QueueConnection from the QueueConnectionFactory
      out.println("Creating a Connection");
      connection = factory.createQueueConnection();

      // IMPORTANT: Receive calls will be blocked if the connection is
      // not explicitly started, so make sure that we do so!
      out.println("Starting the Connection");

      // We now create a QueueSession from the connection. Here we
      // specify that it shouldn't be transacted, and that it should
      // automatically acknowledge received messages
      out.println("Creating a Session");
      boolean transacted = false;
      session = connection.createQueueSession( transacted,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
      // Use the session to create the queue object, supplying
      // the required MQ-specific parameter
      ioQueue = session.createQueue( QUEUE );

      // We now use the session to create a QueueSender, passing in the
      // destination (the Queue object) as a parameter
      out.println("Creating a QueueSender");
      QueueSender queueSender = session.createSender(ioQueue);

      // Create a QueueReceiver in the same way
      out.println( "Creating a QueueReceiver");
      QueueReceiver queueReceiver = session.createReceiver(ioQueue);

      // The session is used to create messages, so create an empty
      // TextMessage and fill it with some data
      out.println( "Creating a TextMessage" );
      TextMessage outMessage = session.createTextMessage();
      out.println("Adding Text");

      // Ask the QueueSender to send the message we have created
      out.println( "Sending the message to " + ioQueue.getQueueName() );

      // Now use the QueueReceiver to retrieve the message, blocking
      // for a maximum of 1000ms. The receive call returns when the
      // message arrives, or after 1000ms, whichever is sooner
      out.println( "Reading the message back again" );
      Message inMessage = queueReceiver.receive(1000);

      // Check to see if the receive call has actually returned a
      // message. If it hasn't, report this and throw an exception...
      if( inMessage == null )
      out.println( "The attempt to read the message back again " +
      "failed, apparently because it wasn't there");
      throw new JMSException("Failed to get message back again");


      out.println( "\n" + "Got message"+": "+inMessage);

      // Check that the message received (a) is of the correct type,
      // and (b) contains the same text as the one sent, reporting the
      // result of these two checks
      if( inMessage instanceof TextMessage )

      // Extract the message content with getText()
      String replyString = ((TextMessage) inMessage).getText();

      // Test its equality with the message text sent
      if( replyString.equals(tempAddress) )
      out.println("Reply string equals original string");
      // If they differ, print them both out
      out.println("Error! Reply string differs from " + "original string");
      out.println("Original string = '" + tempAddress + "'");
      out.println("Reply string = '" + replyString + "'");
      // Report that the incoming message was not of the expected
      // type, and throw an exception
      out.println("Reply message was not a TextMessage");
      throw new JMSException("Retrieved the wrong type of message");

      // Remember to call the close() method on all of the objects
      // used, to ensure proper clean-up of resources

      // Closing QueueReceiver
      out.println("Closing QueueReceiver");

      // Closing QueueSender
      out.println("Closing QueueSender");

      // Closing QueueSesssion.
      out.println("Closing Session");
      session = null;

      // Closing QueueConnection.
      out.println("Closing Connection");
      connection = null;
      catch( JMSException je )
      out.println("caught JMSException: " + je);
      // check for a linked exception that provides more detail
      Exception le = je.getLinkedException();
      if (le != null) out.println("linked exception: "+le);

      catch( Exception e )
      // This catches any exception thrown in the main body of
      // the program, displaying it on screen
      out.println("Caught exception: " + e );


      // A finally block is a good place to ensure that we don't forget
      // to close the most important JMS objects
      if (session != null)
      out.println("closing session");
      if (connection != null)
      out.println("closing connection");
      catch (JMSException je)
      out.println("failed with "+je);

