6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 16, 2005 9:05 PM by awalker

    oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persistence


      Hey everyone,

      For anyone who cares and is trying to use Oracle to persist your jms messages with JBossMQ in jboss-3.2.5 we found a couple of problems in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.PersistenceManager when using the oracle-jdbc3-service.xml:

      These aren't really problems with the PersistenceManager as everything works just fine under mysql for as much testing as we had done, but our requirement is to use Oracle for this case, and it seems that Oracle's bug is that it forces you to do a "select for update" when you're trying to retrieve Blobs greater than size 4k using the thin driver. I'm not really sure why Oracle forces developers to write extra code in order to do this??? Suffice it to say... I'm calling it a bug! ;)

      (1) We had problems storing messages of type ObjectMessage that were larger than 4k.

      Granted you want to keep your ObjectMessage sizes short and concise, but we have some messages where the 4k limit just doesn't cut it for us.

      (2) As far as I can tell the jms-1.1 spec allows null ObjectMessages (Section 3.12 Provider Implementations of JMS Message Interfaces - pg. 51). In this case if you try and store a null ObjectMessage on a queue, then the PersistenceManager.extractMessage(ResultSet, int) code throws a NullPointerException when the jms server starts up trying to peek ahead on the InputStream.

      That said, we wrote some code extending PersistenceManager.java in order to get by these issues... we're still testing it, but if you're experiencing something similar the same might help you. So in the spirit of open-source...

       * JBossMQ, the OpenSource JMS implementation
       * Distributable under LGPL license.
       * See terms of license at gnu.org.
      package org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3;
      import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
      import java.io.InputStream;
      import java.io.IOException;
      import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
      import java.sql.Blob;
      import java.sql.Connection;
      import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
      import java.sql.ResultSet;
      import java.sql.SQLException;
      import java.sql.Types;
      import javax.jms.JMSException;
      import org.jboss.mq.MessagePool;
      import org.jboss.mq.SpyMessage;
      import org.jboss.mq.pm.Tx;
      import org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.PersistenceManager;
       * This class manages all persistence related services for JDBC based
       * persistence fixing an issue in regards to the jboss PersistenceManager for
       * Oracle when inserting blobs larger than 4K. Also fixes the issue of being
       * able to store null ObjectMessages on the queue.
       * @author tradebeam.com
      public class OracleBlobPersistenceManager extends PersistenceManager {
       " (?,?,EMPTY_BLOB(),?,?,?)";
       " JMS_MESSAGE_LOG WHERE messageid = ? FOR UPDATE";
       " MESSAGEID = ?";
       * Create a new Persistence Manager.
       * @throws JMSException
       public OracleBlobPersistenceManager () throws JMSException {
       * Add a message.
       * @param c The connection.
       * @param queue The queue name.
       * @param message the message.
       * @param txId The transaction id.
       * @param mark The mark to set for the message.
       * @param lateClone
       * @throws SQLException For an error in the db.
       * @throws IOException For an error serializing the message.
       protected void addMessage (Connection c, String queue, SpyMessage message,
       Tx txId, String mark, String lateClone)
       throws SQLException, IOException {
       PreparedStatement stmt = null;
       try {
       stmt = c.prepareStatement(INSERT_EMPTY_MESSAGE);
       stmt.setLong(1, message.header.messageId);
       String dest = "*";
       if (queue != null) {
       dest = queue;
       stmt.setString(2, dest);
       // need to change the following for oracle in order to create the
       // blob initially as an EMPTY_BLOB()
       if (txId != null) {
       stmt.setLong(3, txId.longValue());
       } else {
       stmt.setNull(3, Types.BIGINT);
       if (mark == null) {
       stmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);
       } else {
       stmt.setString(4, mark);
       stmt.setString(5, lateClone);
       try {
       // need to add the following for persisting in Oracle
       // the following is specifically required for blobs of size
       // greater than 4k
       stmt = c.prepareStatement(SELECT_BLOB_FOR_UPDATE);
       stmt.setLong(1, message.header.messageId);
       stmt = c.prepareStatement(UPDATE_BLOB);
       this.setBlob(stmt, 1, message);
       stmt.setLong(2, message.header.messageId);
       } catch (SQLException sqle) {
       if (lateClone.equals("1")) {
       log.trace("Assumed already added to message log: " +
       } else {
       throw sqle;
       } finally {
       try {
       } catch (Throwable ignore) {
       log.warn("Problem while closing the PreparedStatement for" +
       " message: " + message.header.messageId);
       * Extract a message from a result. If the message is null then return a
       * default SpyMessage from the MessagePool.
       * @param rs the result set
       * @param column the column number
       * @return the message
       * @throws SQLException for an error accessing the db
       * @throws IOException for an error extracting the message
       * @throws NullPointerException in the case when we receive unexpected data
       protected SpyMessage extractMessage (ResultSet rs, int column)
       throws SQLException, IOException {
       long messageid = 0;
       // this extra check should perserve the behavior of the super class so
       // that we ensure a NullPointerException is thrown here if we receive
       // bad data
       if (rs.getObject(1) != null) {
       messageid = rs.getLong(1);
       } else {
       log.error("ResultSet messageid column was null.");
       throw new NullPointerException("ResultSet messageid column was null.");
       SpyMessage message = null;
       if (blobType == OBJECT_BLOB) {
       Object o = rs.getObject(column);
       if (o != null) {
       message = (SpyMessage) o;
       } else {
       // set the message to a default SpyMessage
       message = MessagePool.getMessage();
       } else if (blobType == BYTES_BLOB) {
       byte[] st = rs.getBytes(column);
       ByteArrayInputStream baip = new ByteArrayInputStream(st);
       if (baip != null) {
       ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(baip);
       message = SpyMessage.readMessage(ois);
       } else {
       // set the message to a default SpyMessage
       message = MessagePool.getMessage();
       } else if (blobType == BINARYSTREAM_BLOB) {
       InputStream in = rs.getBinaryStream(column);
       if (in != null) {
       ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(in);
       message = SpyMessage.readMessage(ois);
       } else {
       // set the message to a default SpyMessage
       message = MessagePool.getMessage();
       } else if (blobType == BLOB_BLOB) {
       Blob b = rs.getBlob(column);
       if (b != null) {
       ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(b.getBinaryStream());
       message = SpyMessage.readMessage(ois);
       } else {
       // set the message to a default SpyMessage
       message = MessagePool.getMessage();
       message.header.messageId = messageid;
       return message;


        • 1. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

          For the nth thousandth time we don't care about problems in 3.2.5 when they
          can't be reproduced with the latest version (3.2.6)
          e.g. the NPE on MessageReference.getHeaders during the recovery was fixed in 3.2.6

          1) The 4k problem is a well known Oracle bug. Report it to Oracle until you are blue
          in the face they won't fix it.

          2) I don't understand this? An ObjectMessage cannot be null. It can contain a null object.

          • 2. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

            You did point out one problem in that SpyObjectMessage.setObject(null)
            throws an exception when it should not according to the spec.

            • 3. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

              Hey Adrian,

              Thanks for your response. I really posted the reply for the user community in case someone was experiencing issues with storing messages in Oracle greater than 4k like we have been. The current PersistenceManager under the org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3 package can't really be used for Oracle since Oracle deviates from the norm here wrt Blobs. This is still an issue in 3.2.6 as well as far as I can tell.

              Either way, I agree with you... The Oracle implementation seems very Microsofty wrt deviating from something that seems so simple to handle in their thin jdbc driver, IMHO. And you're right, it's well known. We were just trying to provide a solution for it as the PersistenceManager that Jboss ships with doesn't seem to resolve this particular issue. Again... I'd prefer to use mysql, but our organization has a requirement to use Oracle specifically for this stuff. We operate on the order of 10,000 messages per minute and need the datastore to be highly available... for this our organization has chosen to go with Oracle over mysql - it was one of history and nothing more.

              Let me further explain that I'm not pointing any fingers here. Our group likes JBoss because it's open and we can track these issues down when they're effecting us and make them work for ourselves - we are really thankful for that so keep up the good work! :) We had tried this for mysql and didn't realize any issues there, although we likely would have uncovered the null ObjectMessage object (as you pointed out - this is what I meant, but misrepresented in my original post) issue there too at some point. I'm glad we could help point out a bug in the implementation according to the spec with that fix as well.

              Let me know if there's any more information I can help out with and I will gladly try.

              Thanks, and keep fighting the good fight! :-)

              • 4. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

                Check out the Oranxo JDBC driver for Oracle at http://www.inetsoftware.de/English/Produkte/ORANXO/. We are using this because it doesn't have the ridiculous 4k blob problem that Oracle's JDBC drivers do.

                • 5. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

                  instead of using datatype BLOB , you could use LONG RAW as an interim solution. We've successfully persisted as large as 20 Meg int LONG RAW data type.
                  on both 8i (8.1.7.x) as well as 9i (9.2.0.x) However, be aware that Oracle is starting to desupport LONG RAW

                  • 6. Re: oracle blob bug exposed in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3.Persist

                    Just a quick note I encountered this problem using the oracle 9.2 drivers so I tried the Oracle 10g drivers and it worked fine.

                    I tested it with 1mb message. If you belive oracle the 10g driver is backwardly compatible with 9.2.x and 8.1. We are using 9.2.x

                    Hope this helps


                    Aaron Walker