1. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ilya_shaikovsky Nov 26, 2008 9:02 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)1) inlucde phasetracker.jar and check the console output on request.
2) you shoud just pass string with comma separated ids in setRender -
2. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ahsan_cse2004 Nov 26, 2008 9:10 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)Thanks for your quick reply.
however I am newbie to A4J. Can you please let me know a bit more about point 1.
I am trying to write a custom composite JSF component using simple standard JSF components. This component needs to be Ajax enabled. As you can see the definition of helper methods I am passing the string value to reRender method and I have verified that the passed ids are correc. I have verified it using Firebug. JSF generated the same Id that I am passing to the setReRender method. Despite of this the components are not reRendered. -
3. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ilya_shaikovsky Nov 26, 2008 9:13 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)
however I am newbie to A4J. Can you please let me know a bit more about point 1.
http://www.jsftutorials.net/faces-config/phaseTracker.html -
4. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ahsan_cse2004 Nov 26, 2008 9:14 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)Also I have verified that ajaxSupport.setOnComplete() method executes my custom javascript. It means the ajaxSupport is getting initialized and used and completes it execution but misses the execution of its actionListener
5. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ilya_shaikovsky Nov 26, 2008 9:29 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)ahsan_cse2004, please just provide me the log I've requested. onComplete get executed always, even if actionListener skipped. And this point just tells us nothing.
6. Re: setActionListener on a4j:support does not execute the be
ahsan_cse2004 Nov 26, 2008 10:18 AM (in response to ahsan_cse2004)Sorry...
here is the log you requested.
[20:49:12.056] BEFORE RESTORE_VIEW(1)
[20:49:12.071] AFTER RESTORE_VIEW(1)
[20:49:12.071] BEFORE RENDER_RESPONSE(6)
[20:49:12.118] AFTER RENDER_RESPONSE(6)