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1. Re: When rendering will be done
andresvargasr Mar 2, 2009 11:40 AM (in response to smilind)when you define a a4j:support you define in wich event you wish reRender, i try thus
<h:commandButton id="btn1" value="Button Text" action="#{Bean.Button_action}"> <a4j:support event="onblur" ajaxSingle="true" reRender="region1,region2,"/> </h:commandButton>
2. Re: When rendering will be done
darmstadter Mar 18, 2009 3:57 AM (in response to smilind)After complete the action, the reRender will be executed. The order is: click-action-reRender
3. Re: When rendering will be done
ilya_shaikovsky Mar 18, 2009 5:24 AM (in response to smilind)this forum is deprecated. use RichFaces user forum.