0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2009 10:36 AM by adrian.brock

    OSGi/MC MetaData todos

      I haven't really touched the MetaData that Ales (and I think from the comments Scott)
      worked on. This is what I would describe as what needs doing.


      I don't really like the idea that this is basically stored in a Manifest with a wrapper.
      That might be nice for real OSGi deployments but it makes it difficult if you want to:

      * add osgi metadata by hand
      * modify osgi metadata - e.g. in the profile service/console
      * expose other metadata as though it was osgi metadata, e.g. so non-osgi classloading
      rules can be exposed using the OSGi management queries.


      The previous comment might be mitigated if there was some kind of
      OSGiMetaDataBuilder class to make it easier?


      The metadata seems to have a whole copy of what is done by TypeInfo.convertValue()
      it should just use that.


      I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to work? But I've put a TODO
      where I think it should done. :-)


      I've reworked this so that it uses the ClassLoading VersionRange.
      The only thing I can see that is different is that the the OSGi class
      has a static method to parse the range from a string?


      I've not looked too deeply at all the metadata. But there are obviously some things
      missing as well as some things being wrong, e.g. exporting packages gives
      you a version range instead of a version?