0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2009 11:08 AM by adrian.brock

    OSGi?MC ClassLoading todos


      As I mentioned on the deployers todos, not all the classloading metadata is currently
      being mapped.


      The OSGi classloading rules allow you to specify dependencies using attributes
      rather than name/version. This is really just a form of aliasing, but there are some
      subleties such as the "mandatory" attribute.

      This is probably the main part that is "missing" in the sense that it is not just a case
      of mapping OSGi features to existing MC features.


      This should be implemented as a facade on top of the current "ClassLoading" api.
      Some of this does already exist (it was added for AOP) but it obviously has a
      different api. It would also require some kind of reverse mapping so you can do
      Module->Deployment somewhere.


      Currently the bundles are getting notified when there classloaders are
      resolved/unresolved. i.e. when the classloaders are created/destroyed.
      This needs some kind of notification from the classloading layer.


      OSGi has a feature where you can create a "fragment bundle".
      This is a deployment that adds to another deployment/classloader rather than
      creating its own. We don't have this notion currently within JBoss.


      I mentioned in the METADATA todos that it would be good if we could just use
      the ClassLoading VersionRange class.


      Although not really a requirement (split packages are optional) it would be good
      to fix the classloading validation to allow it.