2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2008 5:39 AM by srouil

    Message delivery stopped after a while (using HTTPIL)



      my application sends JMS messages in a queue that a remote client reads. This client is accessing JBossMQ by using HTTPIL.
      Everything is working fine for some time but after a couple of hours, messages sent in the queue are no more delivered.
      If I open the MBean name=myQueue,service=Queue in JMX console I can see:
      - QueueDepth = 0
      - InProcessMessageCount = 1

      Invoking stop() and start() operations on MBean causes the message to be delivered to the client but the next message sent in the queue is, again, not delivered.

      How should I try to solve this problem? Any suggestion on how to proceed is welcome.
