1 Reply Latest reply on May 11, 2009 5:50 PM by ips

    Dynamically create resource-configuration during discovery o


      Can the resource-configuration be dynamically built at runtime either during the discovery step or when loadConfiguration is called, if so, do you have any examples

        • 1. Re: Dynamically create resource-configuration during discove

          If you mean the configuration definition which is specified via the resource-configuration tag in the plugin descriptor, then the answer is no. The definition must be statically defined in the plugin descriptor. The only exception is "open map" properties. These are map properties that can contain arbitrary simple properties of type STRING. To define an "open map" property in your resource config, just add a map-property tag that does not have any simple-property child tags, i.e.:

           <c:map-property name="myOpenMap"/>

          An example of an open map is the JDBC connection properties in a Datasource Resource's config.