1. Re: Login page tries to POST to an invalid URL
ccrouch Oct 23, 2008 10:11 PM (in response to msolnit)Hi
I think whats happening is we're trying guess the port number that Jboss Web ois listening, on and in your case we're obviously failing. You're server is listening on port 80 presumably? I'll investigate some more and get back to you with a fix/work around.
Cheers -
2. Re: Login page tries to POST to an invalid URL
msolnit Oct 24, 2008 11:35 AM (in response to msolnit)Hi Charles. Thanks very much for the quick reply. Our setup has JBoss listening on port 8080, but we also have iptables re-directing to port 80. So normally, I don't include a port number in the URL. However, I tried using port 8080 instead (:8080 in the URL) and got the same result.
-- Matt -
3. Re: Login page tries to POST to an invalid URL
ccrouch Oct 24, 2008 12:11 PM (in response to msolnit)Ok I see whats happening, its what I thought. We're not handling port 80 correctly when creating the base url for the app, i'll fix this in svn, but in the meantime if you want to get this working I think you'll need to update
<base href="#{navigationAction.baseUrl}"/>
in layout.xhtml and login.html in the base of the embedded jopr .war file to be<base href="http://my-server/embedded-jopr/"/>
That should let you make progress. Alternatively if its simpler for you to test with, you could just have Jboss Web listen on a port other than 80.
Cheers -
5. Re: Login page tries to POST to an invalid URL
msolnit Oct 24, 2008 12:21 PM (in response to msolnit)Thanks!