1. Re: Blacktie deployable artifacts
tomjenkinson Feb 10, 2009 7:01 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)As a follow up to this:
One route that we are currently considering is to provide a simple Microcontainer plugin: http://www.jboss.org/jbossmc/
This should hopefully allow us to integrate into the JON tooling as well as launch the C services via JNI. -
2. Re: Blacktie deployable artifacts
alesj Feb 10, 2009 7:50 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)A few Qs first so I get a feeling for what exactly you do and want. :-)
How exactly do you currently deploy BlactTie stuff?
(OK, the server is C++ standalone process)
What's the deployment unit?
As it's been a while since I did JNI,
how hard or how exactly would you launch your services?
Afaik you load your .dll into system cl, and then get a handle on your native code.
I doubt we can make anything smaller that the current JBossAS.
Since currently the only thing that knows how to talk to JON (and not even this in a full extent) is the JBossAS's ProfileService (PS).
Good thing is that PS was stripped out as a spi,
and I believe Scott is doing some embedded experiments with it.
WRT small runtime env
Have a look at my MC demos env:
- http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/demos/microcontainer/trunk/
It's fully mavenized, hence trivial to setup in IDE.
The bootstrap is very simple, but it does the job.
The actual integration work
* C service via JNI --> deployers usage
* JON extensions --> hooking onto JNI interfaces + wrapping it with Managed/MetaType annotated objects
* PS exposure --> nag PS people to make it standalone :-) -
3. Re: Blacktie deployable artifacts
tomjenkinson Feb 11, 2009 4:23 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)He Ales,
Thankyou very much for your response here are the answers:
1. Deployment is currently achieved at the "server" level, this is an executable native binary which allows individual "services" to be started/stopped but not new ones added, ergo, the deployment unit is the "server (.exe)" so to speak
2. I can already launch this deployment unit (when compiled as a shared library instead of executable) from JNI (and can debug it with GDB - if readers are interested you may like to check out a wiki article we put together on it https://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13325)
3. Re: the comments on JON, point taken and very useful pointers for me
4. Re, the microcontainer demo, thanks for the pointer and I will certainly look into this
Thanks again for your time and I think we will continue to pursue the idea of creating a Microcontainer service wrapper for our JNI "server" with a proof of concept piece of work in the next few weeks.