1. Re: where's the build dir?
tomjenkinson Mar 12, 2009 10:16 AM (in response to weberj)Hi Juergen,
Between M3 and M4 we have made a couple of changes to the project layout to make the naming more in line with the project name. For example the folder atmibroker-all was renamed to blacktie. If you checked out trunk a while ago, I suggest doing an svn update in your checkout folder which will create the folder that you are missing.
If you click on the following link it will show the existence of the blacktie folder in trunk:
If you would like to build M3 you will need to checkout https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/blacktie/tags/Blacktie_1_0_M3, rather than trunk.
I would suggest using trunk as it will compile using the wiki instructions which are not entirely compatible with earlier versions of the project.
Hope this helps,
Tom -
2. Re: where's the build dir?
tomjenkinson Mar 12, 2009 10:17 AM (in response to weberj)Hi Juergen, I just noticed a discrepancy as well it should have said <BLACKTIE_HOME>/blacktie
Sorry about that!
Tom -
3. Re: where's the build dir?
tomjenkinson Mar 12, 2009 10:32 AM (in response to weberj)I have update the wiki pages to reflect the comments raised.
Basically there should be two main folders we are looking at here:
BLACKTIE_UTILS_HOME is the directory to extract/checkout the dependencies to
BLACKTIE_HOME is the directory to checkout/extract the BlackTie project in
The word product may appear as that is the folder name I checkout out BlackTie trunk as e.g.:
/home/tom/blacktie/product/ <- My checkout is in here (the checkout folder doesn't actually need to be called product, it could be trunk if you like)
/home/tom/blacktie/utils <- The dependencies such as TAO etc are in here
Hope this is clear!