1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 13, 2002 10:24 AM by juha

    Mbean - EJB - Jar files dependency on JBoss 3.x



      I have 2 files :

      |- release.jar (EJBs + common classes)
      |- release.war (webapp)

      bean.sar (custom MBean)

      My MBean needs the simple class "utils" in the package "release.jar"

      When I start JBoss 3.0.4, first the MBean is deployed and I've the following error :
      "class not found: com/xxx/utils ..."

      If I put the file "mbsp.jar" in the "/jboss/server/default/lib" folder, my EJB will not be any more deployable...

      I read other forums about MBean/EJB dependency. I read that it was possible to have one dependency to EJB or other MBean but nothing about other JAR file which contains simple common classes.

      My question is, what is the best solution to solve my problem?

      Best Regards,