1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 7, 2004 3:07 PM by adrian.brock

    How to get notified when resource gets deployed


      I would like to know if there is a way to register a callback in the deployment scanner which will be called whenever a resource is deployed and when the scanner is invoked.

      What I am trying to do is as follows:
      I have developed an mbean that loads from a xml config file. I would like to have this xml file hot deployable so that when a new copy is deployed, my mbean gets this resource and it can reload it.
      I am using JBoss 3.2.1/3.2.2


        • 1. Re: How to get notified when resource gets deployed

          This would be better written as subdeployer.
          When your mbean starts you register yourself as a deployer with the main
          Then you will be called back to "deploy" the configuration files.

          See org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployerSupport
          the simplest deployer is probably the EARDeployer
