0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 19, 2004 6:31 AM by shieroii

    :service=Scheduler is not registered...



      "shieroii" wrote:

      I get the following exception when I tried to configure an scheduler for testing...

      13:00:30,241 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean operation 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
      Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
      Packages waiting for a deployer:
      Incompletely deployed packages:
      [org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@218bb0ef { url=file:/D:/jboss-3.2.2/jboss-3.2.2/server/default/deploy/myScheduler-servic
      e.xml }
      deployer: org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer@3a317a
      status: Deployment FAILED reason: create operation failed for package file:/D:/jboss-3.2.2/jboss-3.2.2/server/default/deplo
      y/myScheduler-service.xml; - nested throwable: (javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: :service=Scheduler is not registe
      state: FAILED
      watch: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.2/jboss-3.2.2/server/default/deploy/myScheduler-service.xml
      lastDeployed: 1074513613137
      lastModified: 1074513613117
      :service=Scheduler (state not available)
      ]MBeans waiting for classes:
      MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
      [ObjectName: :service=Scheduler
      I Depend On:
      Depends On Me: ]

      ******* here the contents of myScheduler-service.xml *******
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- $Id: myscheduler-service.xml,v 2004/1/19 11:40:03 starksm Exp $ -->
      <!--This is a trial example for using scheduler!! -->

      <mbean code="org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Scheduler" name=":service=Scheduler">
      <attribute name="SchedulableClass">myscheduler.MySchedulerEx1</attribute>
      <attribute name="SchedulableArguments">Schedulabe Test,5</attribute>
      <attribute name="SchedulableArgumentTypes">java.lang.String,long</attribute>
      <attribute name="InitialStartDate">NOW</attribute>
      <attribute name="SchedulePeriod">10000</attribute>
      <attribute name="InitialRepetitions">5</attribute>
      <attribute name="StartAtStartup">true</attribute>

      ********** here the content of MySchedulerEx1.java ********
      package myscheduler;

      import java.util.Date;

      import org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Schedulable;

      public class MySchedulerEx1 implements Schedulable {

      private String mName;
      private int mValue;

      public MySchedulerEx1(String pName, int pValue) {
      System.out.println("************ this is from MyScheduler constructor! ");
      mName = pName;
      mValue = pValue;

      public void perform(Date pTimeOfCall, long pRemainingRepetitions) {
      System.out.println("********* this is MyScheduler.perform: " + pTimeOfCall + ", remaining repetitions: " + pRemainingRepetitions + ", test, name: " + mName + ", value: " + mValue);
      for(int i=0;i<mValue;i++)
      System.out.println(" perform some operation...");

      can someone tell me where am I making mistake?
