1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 31, 2004 7:55 PM by starksm64

    MBean Class loader problem


      I am trying to deploy an MBean that uses classes from another jar file that I have built. How can I make the MBena class loader aware of this jar file? I have tried placing the jar file in the server/default/lib and server/default/deploy directories, but to no avail. When i step through the class with a debugger, the class loader only contains the 2 classes that are in the sar file. Do I need to add the jar file to the sar file? If so, then how do I go about doing that? I don't see any examples of this and can't find anything on this discussion group.



        • 1. Re: MBean Class loader problem

          There are numerous examples of mbeans deploying using classes from jars in server/default/lib. These jars are visible to every deployment by default. You have an error in your config if the mbean cannot be found in a server/default/lib