1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 14, 2005 4:58 PM by genman

    JMX bean for JMS pub-sub...



      I am considering using JMX as a mechanism to allow external Flash clients to connect to JMS topics.

      The way I see this working is creating a JMX bean that listens on a well known port. The Flash clients would then open a socket connection to this bean which would then accept the connection and start a JMS proxy object which subscribe to a particular topic.

      Does anyone know whether JBoss provides any standard mbeans that would listen on a configurable port and then run a specified action on an incoming request?

      Alternativley does anyone know how to a flash client could subscribe to a JBossMQ topic?



        • 1. Re: JMX bean for JMS pub-sub...

          Does anyone know whether JBoss provides any standard mbeans that would listen on a configurable port and then run a specified action on an incoming request?

          No, but it is really trivial to write one. In your start() method, create a thread to listen to some port, then have each connect that comes in create a new thread/processor.

          Alternativley does anyone know how to a flash client could subscribe to a JBossMQ topic?

          This would be quite hard.