1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 13, 2006 2:33 AM by mailinator

    JBossMXServerConfig class not found

      I'm trying to get a web application that has it's own mbean server running under JBoss 4.04GA. The mbean server is part of spring, our application is based on Spring and I'd like to keep the application as portable across app servers as possible, so I don't want to just use MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss to get a mbeanServer. Adding this line into the application context:

      <bean id="mbeanServer" class="org.springframework.jmx.support.MBeanServerFactoryBean"/>

      results in a JBossMXServerConfig class not found error. This class isn't in any of the JBoss jar's, but is in the source repository of JBoss (http://fisheye.labs.jboss.com/qsearch/JBoss/?filename=JBossMXServerConfig).

      Has anyone got spring jmx and jboss jmx to co-exist? Does anyone know if this JBossMXServerConfig class is in a jar somewhere or does it have to be built from source?