0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 28, 2007 11:45 AM by lcomp



      I am using rich:tree with ajaxSubmitSelection="true"
      The following is my jsf code:
      <rich:tree id="includeTreeNode" style="width:200px" immediate="true" nodeSelectListener="#{auditUniverseMainBean2.processSelection}"
      reRender="selectedNode,myRadio" switchType="client" ajaxSubmitSelection="true"
      value="#{auditUniverseMainBean2.includeTreeNode}" var="includeItem">

      Question 1: when I debug my app. I find that it is calling the getIncludeTreeNode() method 2 times and getIncludeTreeNode() method gets called again when a node is selected? why is this happening.

      Question 2: After selecting a tree node, I recreate the tree and rerender it. But I still see the selection. After rerendering the tree I do not want any node to be selected.

      Thanks for any help