8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 12, 2002 5:08 AM by adrian.brock

    Build problem 3.0 Beta2



      I have checked out the latest from CVS. I try to build it using the build.bat file. I have tried bouth build and build all. I have tried jdk 1.3.1_01, 1.3.1_02 and 1.4.0. I do not succed. The output I get is attached in the file. I have tried to turn of the generation of javadoc in the locale.properties file, but I have not succeded.

      What am I doing wrong?

      /Erik Turesson

        • 1. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2


          If you follow this link, you will see the output for
          hourly compile.

          I think it has just been corrected by the latest commit,
          I haven't tried it.


          • 2. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

            Has anyone managed to do a successful build yet? I'm having the same problem, and I just did an update a couple of minutes ago. Is there a workaround for this problem? Perhaps someone knows a tag that can be applied to get a version prior created prior to the introduction of the build problem. Any insights are greatly appriciated. Thanks,

            - Mac

            • 3. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

              Are you still getting the same problem?

              Try the following:

              cvs update -dC
              d=get new directories
              C=overwrite any changes you might have made

              Also, try
              ./build.sh clobber
              before your next build. Sometimes ant can't spot the
              dependencies, so removing everything is required
              before rebuilding.
              WARNING: This will remove your previously built server,
              so backup any config changes you have made first.


              • 4. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

                I've built it successfully with 1.4 with the latest version from CVS.

                At first I had problems if I updated ignoring empty dirs. Once fixed this, I built under jdk1.4 and some classes did not compile, just edited these files and followed the messages to make it compile under 1.4


                • 5. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

                  Further travels...I still have the problem. Tried both suggestions, and while I made it further in the build process, I'm still getting 60 compiler errors.

                  And I think I know why. The org.jboss.ejb.plugins.CMPPersistenceManager is importing a couple of classes from org.jboss.management.j2ee package. Trouble is when I do an update I don't get a org.jboss.management.j2ee package, even when I use the -d attribute. The missing classes are CountStatistic and TimeStatistic.

                  Does that give you any other ideas? Thanks, Mac

                  • 6. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

                    I just tried it, got the same problem.
                    Looks like the last update to jsr77 was incomplete.

                    You've got two options.
                    1) Wait for somebody to fix it.
                    2) Comment out the JSR77 code until it gets fixed.

                    I'm going to do option 2 because I can't get my next
                    udpate until tomorrow evening :-(


                    • 7. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

                      Guess it's a good thing I backed up the entire server. :)

                      • 8. Re: Build problem 3.0 Beta2

                        You might want to read this thread.

