0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2002 11:29 AM by rob_dickinson

    java.net.BindException on startup?


      Every once in a while JBoss just won't start. The following message is displayed:

      [INFO,Default] Server.run/init: java.net.BindException: Address in use: JVM_Bind

      What's weird is that I'm seeing this the first time JBoss runs. (I could understand if JBoss hadn't shut down properly...but this is literally a case where I boot my machine in the morning and sometimes JBoss won't load.)

      My configuration:
      - JBoss 2.4.4
      - JDK 1.3.1
      - Windows 2000 sp2

      I've also seen this problem under Windows XP.

      I've tried using org.jboss.Shutdown, but no luck. The only fix seems to be to restart the machine...