2 Replies Latest reply on May 24, 2002 6:53 PM by dshen71

    Practicallity of  ANT in jboss2.4.3


      I have successfuly installed ANT....
      But can anyone enlighten me the real practical use of ANT being time-saving...since here one has to manually write the entire Build.xml before running the tool...I find it much simpler simply by firing the "jar. cvf xxx.jar etc etc" on the coomand line or "javac..." onthe command line to do the job than going thru the whole build.xml process..although afterone writes the build.xml..the tool comes very handy indeed....


        • 1. Re: Practicallity of  ANT in jboss2.4.3

          it is definitely worth your time to use ant.

          you don't have to remember how to build your application
          ant will only compile the files that you need compiled
          dependencies are taken care of for you
          if you work with others, everybody builds the same way

          find an example build.xml file, modify it to suit your project and then add targets as you go.

          if you use cvs or pvcs or whatever, the build.xml can go in there as well to have your build file in code management.

          what editor are you using? you can set them up, depending on the editor to use javac or jikes when you compile one file and then use ant when building.

          • 2. Re: Practicallity of  ANT in jboss2.4.3

            I totally agree.
            Ant provide a great environment to allow the developer
            to write scripts by modifying the xml file.

            Ant is a very enjoyable developer tool.
