2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 9, 2002 8:43 AM by tsangcn

    Is JBoss 3.0.x really ready for commercial use?



      does anybody of you really think, that JBoss 3.0.x is ready for commercial use?
      I think, there is still one big unsolved problem: It is not possible at the moment, that JBoss 3.0.x is starting automatically deploying all applications successfully on startup of a server. The deployment of the ear-files and certainly other ones will fails because of not yet bounded resources like datasources. So it is necessary to hot deploy the application after the start of JBoss. However, that cannot be the way, how to start JBoss. JBoss 2.4.x was able to do that job very good. But JBoss 3.0.x is not able to do so.
      In my opinion, it is absolutly necessary that JBoss 3.0.x is able to deploy all applications on startup without any external help by an adminstrator or so. But it is not possible at the moment. It is a great pity!

      What do you think about that problem? Or does a solution exist? However, a lot of question about the problem were posted but no working solution was given yet.

      So long... in hope, the problem will be solved as soon as possible...


        • 1. Re: Is JBoss 3.0.x really ready for commercial use?

          Hi Daniel,
          If I get you correctly, you are saying that JBoss 3 doesn't deploy applications when the server start up right?

          If that is so, then, it didn't happen in my case. My ear app can be deployed successfully when I start up JBoss 3.

          You mentioned that the deployment will fail when the resouces are not bounded.

          It didn't happen to me either. If you notice the console output, JBoss deploys all the configuration, JNDI stuff, DataSource stuff, JMS stuff before actually opening up the EAR and deploy the EJBs and WARs inside it.

          So, I can't imagine the reason behind what you said. Possible for you to elaborate more on this?

          Wing Hoe

          • 2. Re: Is JBoss 3.0.x really ready for commercial use?

            I have similar experience with dschalle.

            In JBoss 3.0.0, it seems OK.
            But after upgraded to JBoss 3.0.1 [3.0.1 Date:200208062340], everytime I start JBoss, I got something like

            org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: SampleDS not bound

            and my connection pool is not functioning. I have to manually deploy firebird-service.xml and then the connection pool is bound OK.

            So everytime I start JBoss 3.0.1, I have to manually deploy firebird-service.xml, and this is quite annoying.

            Please check.