1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 13, 2002 1:05 AM by joelvogt

    Deploying servlets in Jboss 3 + Tomcat 4.1


      I wrote a simple servlet and I want to deploy it on Jboss 3 + Tomcat 4.1. So far I have managed to get jboss to startup and i deployed the template test application, and everything works fine. I have also set the CATALINA_HOME variable appropriately.

      This servlet requires one other class. So far here's what I have tried that has not worked. First, I war'd them up and dropped them in default/deploy. It said the app deployed, but when I went to localhost:8080/ServletName I got a 500 No Context error.

      Then I tried to put them in the tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes dir and go to localhost:8080/servlet/ServletName but got the same error.

      So i'm a little confused? How do you deploy servlets? Do they need to be war'd? Where should the non-servlet classes go? Do any xml descriptors need to be made? What is the url that I should go to access them?

      Sorry to ask so many questions, but the docs seem to be lacking on this subject.



        • 1. Re: Deploying servlets in Jboss 3 + Tomcat 4.1

          well this isn't really a jboss thing to cover. Put your servlets in a war, add a web.xml to describe to the container where your servlets are and how to access them.

          Putting anything in a sub-directory of tomcat will do you no good. It should all be in the jboss path.

          If you put a index.jsp in your war can you go to that? And also if you have deployed a war then you will need to go to at least
          (where warname is your context unless you have specifically tried to have this not be so)