2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 15, 2002 8:27 AM by zisl

    Does Jboss 3.0.0 support servlet 2.3 specification?


      Hi, all!
      I am new to Jboss and here's my question - Does Jboss 3.0.0 (with Jetty) really support servlet 2.3 specification? ;)
      It sure is, but I cant figure out why do I get records in a server.log like the following:

      Element "web-app" does not allow "context-param" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "context-param" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "context-param" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet-mapping" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet-mapping" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
      Element "servlet" does not allow "description" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet-mapping" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet-mapping" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "filter" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "filter-mapping" here.
      Element "web-app" does not allow "listener" here.

      I'm sure the web.xml is correct because the webapp works fine under the Orion application server. Where am I wrong with configuring the Jboss ?

      By the way, petstore.ear, the Sun's demo app, fails to deploy under Jboss but it deploys with no problem under Orion!
      What's the know-how to make Jboss handle specs compliant ears and wars?

      Waiting for help and hints!