1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 14, 2008 6:18 AM by lukep1984

    rich:modalPanel 3.2.1 in IE 6.0

      In IE 6.0 i have javasript errors on pages where I want to show rich:faces Modal panel: "no definition for ModalPanel" and "no definition for RichFaces".

      function clickAction(){

      It's very strange beacause on other pages where I use rich:modalPanel in the same way there are no javascript errors.

      Thanks for all responses.

        • 1. Re: rich:modalPanel 3.2.1 in IE 6.0

          This problem was because I used <a4j:support event="onRowClick" action=""> in order go to this page. Everything is ok when I use h:commandButton, but can Somebody is able to explain exactly why id didn't work.

          Thanks for all responses.