1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 14, 2004 3:56 AM by hbaxmann

    Extremely verbose debug mode?


      I'm trying to debug a mobile application which sends requests to a JBoss server and was wondering if there's any way to make JBoss spew all requests it recieves either to the console or to a log file...basically, if (in the land of pretend where everything is simple like it should be) a server-client transaction consists of the client saying "Hey, give me /pages/index.html" to the server and then the server saying "Okay, here it is..." back to the client, I want the "Hey, give me /pages/index.htm" to get written either to the console, or a log file, or both...is there any way to do this?

        • 1. Re: Extremely verbose debug mode?

          Ohh yes, there is. Very fine grained. You will have to study the log4j configuration for JBoss and for Tomcat. But beware of enough harddisk space - have seen 20GByte of logfiles :)
          There are DEBUG and TRACE level, access logs, all what you wish to not needing it.
