1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 21, 2004 1:18 PM by aagmon

    Accessing JBoss server from the WWW


      I just installed JBoss 4 on a Linux server and now I am trying to access my application from outside my organization. Failing to do so when I looked at the startup log it was very interesting. In every place where it must have been IP address of the server there was and to my surprise the working directory within in jboss-web folder had name localhost.

      I am not sure if I have to do some extra configuration of JBoss or the OS for accessing my application. I have tested my application on my own laptop which is running Windows XP and JBoss 4

      Waiting for +ve respone...

      Khalid Latif

        • 1. Re: Accessing JBoss server from the WWW

          the problem can be in many configurations of the OS , Server , Fw

          my suggestion: use the following configuration it works 4 me on xp !!

          1.set up an apache virtual server listening to your ip
          add to the httpd.conf

          proxyPass / http://localhost:8080
          ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080
          (after u loaded mod_proxy )

          that will direct all the requests to your ip(:80) to http://localhost:8080
          and in case u left jboss configuration as original ,jboss is listening on
 which mean any ip on 8080

          try it .. for more info refer to the wiki