0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 5, 2004 4:47 PM by namitajain

    deploy web apps in production env.


      I would like to know how to set up virtual hosts in jboss 3.2.5 in my production box running jboss-3.2.5/Tomcat 5.x using MySql 4.0 on Linux O.S.

      I have more than one web application developed using JSP/Servlets and packaged as .ear files. I have domain names set up as myapp1.com and myapp2.com, for eg.,
      and want to acces my web apps as http://myapp1.com and http://myapp2.com without specifying the context root String name for each, such as http://localhost:8080/myapp1 or http://localhost:8080/myapp2,

      How can I set up the context root in application.xml / jboss-web.xml files related to those web applications or what steps should I follow to achieve my task ??

      Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions or ideas or has gone through the process of doing this before !!

      Any help wiill behighly appreciated..
