0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2005 2:44 AM by hacki.wimmer

    deploy comlex application



      currently I?m migration several applications from bea to jboss. However, I have a couple of EJB´s which are used from a couple of web applications.

      Now I try to find a useful packing and deploy strategy because I have java classes which are used from several EJB´s and several servlets too. So I have the same class in several deployments (ejb-xyz.jar and web-app-abc.war).

      I have made many tests with the configuration parameters

      * Java2ClassLoadingCompliance and
      * UseJBossWebLoader

      so I will have applications which are running! But I?m not very happy, because If I redeploy one application or EJB, I?ll get several ClassCast-Exceptions or NoClassDefFound-Exceptions at the runtime of my application. If I restart my jboss server these problems not longer occur!

      Does anyone knows a documentation ? or anything else - how describes deployment strategies for complex applications?

      Many thanks