0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 6, 2007 5:18 AM by dkane

    Socket connection exception when calling SLSB method



      I have EJB application for JBoss and standalone client.

      Test on localhost works well.

      Test on two Windows PCs within the local network (PC1=Jboss, PC2=client) works well too.

      When I try to access JBoss installed on Linux , I get the exception

      org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException : can not get connection to the server . Problem establishing socket connection .

      The only change in client to connect to another JBoss is jndi property java.naming.provider.url=....

      Important note is that context.lookup() for SLSB remote interface works fine in client, and it obtains non-null proxy instance successfully. The exception fires on the next line of code , when trying to call SLSB method via that proxy.

      JBosses on both Windows and Linux PCs are of version 4.0.5 , both are running on Java 1.6 , EJB application jar is the same file, too. What other difference should I check out ? I already asked our sysadmin to open all ports for incoming intranet connections on that Linux PC. What else ?

      Thank you