6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 27, 2007 8:32 AM by carloszaniolo

    rich:tabPanel problem with immediate a4j:support actionListe



      I've a rich:tabPanel with client side switch type. If I try to call an immediate action listner from an a4j:support inside the rich:tab, the action is called in the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase, which is wrong for immediate actions. It should be called in the APPLY_REQUEST phase. If I try to do the same thing without rich:tabPanel, it works.

      The snippet below should show all of the relvant code, any help would be much appreciated.

      <rich:tabPanel switchType="client" width="440px" >
       <rich:tab label="First">
       <ui:include src="any.xhtml" />
       <rich:tab label="Second">
       <ui:include src="second.xhtml" />

      <a4j:outputPanel >
       <h:inputText id="stupidId" value="#{value}" >
       <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="stupidName" actionListener="#{bean.searchName}" immediate="true" />
       <h:inputText id="stupidName" value="#{bean.value}" />

      Carlos Zaniolo