0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 13, 2007 1:46 AM by dfisher

    EAR Isolation and remote calls


      I have 2 ears deployed in the same jboss instance (4.2.1) and one makes a remote call to the other.
      Both of these ears have isolated classloaders and contain the same entity bean jar.
      (Entities are not deployed on this server, just used as detached.)
      JBoss is configured to use call by value for this setup.

      The second ear throws a classcastexception for my entity bean classes when servicing the call from the first ear.
      Is it possible the second ear method is using the same thread and therefore not retrieving the correct class?

      Putting the entity bean jar in the deploy directory and removing it from both ears fixes the problem.

      Any ideas on how to package these ears correctly?