0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2008 4:26 AM by dgout73

    Problem moving application jboss3.2.3 to jboss4.0.2


      Hello all,

      I have the following problem

      I have made an application that is working fine with jboss3.2.3
      The structure of this application is the following:
      MyApp.ear -> library
      META-INF -> application.xml,jboss-app.xml
      I want to create a web service with Axis2 and MTOM technology.
      So i must go to jboss4.0.2 and upper.
      The problem is that the axis2 web service is working fine and deployed fine
      but the old application it seems that is deployed correctly but i cant access
      the ejbs.
      The same error appears : java.lang.NoClassDefFound exception marking servlet as unavailable
      If i have the UseJBossWebLoader=false then webservice is working but my old application is not working.
      If i change it to true then my old app is working but the web service is not.
      I read about the classloader configurations i make some tests.I add in the jboss-app.xml the following line : <loader-repository>MyApp.jmx:loader=MyApp.ear></loader-repository>
      Problem remains.Any idea,help?
      Thank you in advance...