1 Reply Latest reply on May 7, 2007 9:54 AM by raffaele.camanzo

    Dynamic tabPanel tabs issue / feature request


      Hi all,

      I'm trying to create a tabPanel where the tabs are inserted / removed dynamically;
      I tried to achieve this through xhtml in these ways:

      solution one:
       <ui:repeat value="#{mycomponent.tabdatalist}" var="tabdata">
       <rich:tab label="#{tabdata.label}">
       <ui:insert name="tabcontent"/>
      solution two:
       <a4j:repeat value="#{mycomponent.tabdatalist}" var="tabdata">
       <rich:tab label="#{tabdata.label}">
       <ui:insert name="tabcontent"/>

      - solution one fails saying no selected tab present (I think there's a problem of creation / evaluation sequence.. it seems it does not fill the tabPanel at all);
      - solution two fails saying that the parent of the tab is not the tabPanel but the a4j:repeat element.

      I'm not creating the tabPanel programmatically because of the ui:insert tag (it seems there's no api to do this programmatically) and because I find this practice a little bit boring and confusing (but this is a problem of mine).

      So, the suggestion (the best solution for me.. but if you have another one is ok):

      <rich:tabPanel value="#{mycomponent.tabdatalist}" var="tabdata">
       <rich:tab label="#{tabdata.label}">
       <ui:insert name="tabcontent"/>

      As always...
      Thank you,
      Raffaele Camanzo