1 Reply Latest reply on May 9, 2007 3:44 AM by moldovan

    datascroller attributes maxPages and renderIfSinglePage not

      Has anyone else noticed that these attributes don't affect the rendering? Do they work?

      web page

      <rich:datascroller id="lbScroller" for="licenseBundleListTable"
       fastStep="2" renderIfSinglePage="false" maxPages="3" />

      Also, does maxPages mean the number of windows to show on the scoller or does it somehow limit the number of pages in the dataTable. I'm thinking the former (hoping the former).


        • 1. Re: datascroller attributes maxPages and renderIfSinglePage

          From Developer-Guide:

          The scroller could limit the maximum quantity of rendered links on the table pages with the help of the "maxPages" attribute.

          You can limit number of rows, shown in datatable in one site with the rows - Attribute of dataTable.

          At the beginning i also thought that renderIfSinglePage - Attribute isn't working. But after switching to an newer Richfaces - Version, with full jboss - restart, the problems had been gone.