1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 28, 2008 1:52 PM by rouvas

    Hot deploying compiled classese to Jboss-4.2.2 server? is it


      I am using Rhino for one of the Web applictions to run js on server side. I can improve the performance significantly by pre-compiling the js to java.
      What it means is, from time to time, based on user action, I would like to compile the modified js scripts and convert them to java using Js->Java compiler and deploy them to Jboss server directories.

      I have never been a big fan of hot deployment of classes in App servers.

      But, currently I have a real use case, where it would benefit me doing so.

      I really need Jboss experts advice here as to
      (a) Does Hot deployment in Jboss 4.2.2 work? is it reliable?
      (b) is there a specific classloader adjustments I need to do to make it work?
      (c) What are gotchas I should be careful about or work around them?

      Please reply..

        • 1. Re: Hot deploying compiled classese to Jboss-4.2.2 server? i

          Regarding your questions:

          (a) Does Hot deployment in Jboss 4.2.2 work? is it reliable?
          It works fine. Is it reliable? It depends. Frequent re-deployments will cause memory usage to rise significantly, but AFAIK this is a Java.1.5 issue.
          I use hot-deployment all the time (for devel purposes) and I need to restart JBoss after about 50 re-deployments on a 512MB machine

          (b) is there a specific classloader adjustments I need to do to make it work?

          (c) What are gotchas I should be careful about or work around them?
          Make sure you 'touch' the WEB-INF/web.xml every time you re-deploy.
          Also, if web-services are included, I have reliable results when I work with .WAR files instead of an expanded .war hierarchy. In the case of servltes, expanded .war hierarchy works fine.

          The above information comes from my experience and should not be regarded authoritative.
