1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 30, 2002 12:18 PM by slaboure

    AutomaticDiscovery Binding Address and Port



      We have Jboss 3.0.2 and we try to configure a cluster. The machine where the jboss is running has several interfaces and when the services bind to the address the boot delays... We have changed succesfully several BindAddresses, but we haven´t found how to change the Bind Address of port 1102 (AutomaticDiscovery)

      Any help??

      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: AutomaticDiscovery Binding Address and Port

          This is not related to JG but to the client-side HA-JNDI code i.e. the interface on which, the *client-side* and not server-side discover socket will be bound. It means that your client-side code runs on a multi-home machine, right?

          This is not handled: it uses the default Interface. If you need this feature, please add a feature request on Sourceforge, I will do it when I have time.

