1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 21, 2002 8:52 AM by slaboure



      Hello JBoss People, I can really use your help.

      I'm trying to get Distributed HTTP Sessions working, but so far have failed to get Clustering working at all.

      I'm running jboss-3.0.3_tomcat-4.1.12 with the server -all option. I'm trying to cluster 2 machines for now (ultimately 4 machines).

      I'm attempting the "If All Else Fails" option, with TCPPING unicast, to eliminate the network issues which I have limited knowledge/control over. (For what it's worth, port 7800 seems to working fine, so it isn't being blocked or anything).

      Here's a snippet of cluster-service.xml, with the IP address edited out for public posting:

      <mbean-ref-list name="SynchronizedMBeans">

      TCP(start_port=7800):TCPPING(initial_hosts=[IP ADDRESS OF OTHER MACHINE][7800];port_range=5;timeout=3000;num_initial_members=2;up_thread

      Here's some of the output I get when starting either machine (after the other one):

      03:58:40,193 INFO [ClusterPartition] Starting
      03:58:40,194 INFO [ClusterPartition] Connecting to channel
      03:58:40,357 INFO [STDOUT] --- reaper started ---
      03:58:43,323 INFO [DefaultPartition] New cluster view: 0 ([server2:7800])
      03:58:43,380 INFO [ClusterPartition] Starting channel
      03:58:43,380 INFO [DefaultPartition] Number of cluster members: 1
      03:58:51,389 INFO [ClusterPartition] Started ClusterPartition: DefaultPartition
      03:58:51,389 INFO [ClusterPartition] Started

      Strangely, I have managed sometimes (but not consistently) to get one server to cluster with the other, and get a message that there are 2 cluster members. I did this by changing the name from "DefaultPartition" to "TestPartition" everywhere it occurs in cluster-service.xml, including where other mbeans depend on DefaultPartition.

      The problem with this, however, is that then the ClusteredHttpSession service doesn't deploy correctly, apparently because the "clustering/HTTPSession" service still depends on "DefaultPartition" !!! And I can't find where this is specified to change it (is this a bug?)

      Here's my Incomplete deployments. Not sure if the "Axis" thing is relevant here or not, but seems to be a bug in the release as I'm not using JBossWeb:

      04:24:29,887 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean operation 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
      Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
      Packages waiting for a deployer:

      Incompletely deployed packages:

      MBeans waiting for classes:

      MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
      [ObjectName: jboss.net:service=Axis state: CONFIGURED
      I Depend On: jboss.web:service=JBossWeb Depends On Me: jboss.net:service=Adaptor,

      ObjectName: jboss.net:service=Adaptor
      state: CONFIGURED I Depend On: jboss.net:service=Axis Depends On Me: ,

      ObjectName: jboss:service=ClusteredHttpSession
      state: CONFIGURED I Depend On: jboss.j2ee:service=EJB,jndiName=clustering/HTTPSession
      Depends On Me: ,

      ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:service=EJB,jndiName=clustering/HTTPSession
      I Depend On: jboss:service=DefaultPartition
      Depends On Me: jboss:service=ClusteredHttpSession

      Thanks very much for your help.

      -Douglas Smith

        • 1. Re: CAN'T CLUSTER!   PLEASE HELP.

          Currently, there is a restriction that requires that you use DefaultPartition for your HTTP Sessions.

          As for the other issues, you should check to see if your network is ok wrt clustering (you can find a few checks to be done at the end of the doco)

