0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 18, 2007 4:42 AM by y0da

    Gmap refresh if user click on a jsf dropdown menue


      Always if i wanna choose a value from a dropdownmenu (which on the same jsp as the gmap) the map get refreshed - furthermore i just have 2 seconds to choose a value from the dropdown - if im to slow i must reclick on the dropdown because the map refresh close the dropdown. it is really weird because the dropdown menue hasnt a valuechangelistener or post back to form..it just the setMap method get called..

      the jsp:

      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.ajax4jsf.org/rich" prefix="rich"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax" prefix="a4j"%>
       <title>gathering place detail</title>
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/agr.css" />
       <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/block.js"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript" src="../script/default.js"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript">
       function createPoint(data) {
       var point = new GLatLng(data.lat, data.lng);
       map.addOverlay(createMarkerWithIdentifier(point, data.desc));
       function createPoints(data) {
       for (var i = 0; data.length; i++) {
       var point = new GLatLng(data.lat, data.lng);
       map.addOverlay(createMarkerWithIdentifier(point, data.desc));
       function createMarkerWithIdentifier(point, desc) {
       var marker = new GMarker(point);
       GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
       return marker;
       <f:loadBundle basename="bundles.labels" var="labels" />
       <h:form id="placeDetail">
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.masterData}:" styleClass="txtgruen"/>
       <h:panelGrid columns="2"
       columnClasses="table_left, table_right"
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.district}:" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{placeDetail.district}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.locality}:" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{placeDetail.locality}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.zip}:" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{placeDetail.zip}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.collectorLocation}:" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{placeDetail.collectorLocaltity}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.address}:" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{placeDetail.address}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.caseData}:" styleClass="txtgruen"/>
       <t:dataTable id="pivotAttrData" value="#{placeDetail.caseData}"
       var="element" preserveDataModel="false"
       headerClass="header" headerClass="header"
       styleClass="table" rows="10" binding="#{placeDetail.caseDataDataTable}">
       <t:column id="caseTypeId">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.caseType}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{element.caseType}"styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <t:column id="countId">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.count}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{element.count}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <t:column id="qualityOfGlassKindId">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.qualityOfGlassKind}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{element.qualityOfGlassKind}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <rich:gmap binding="#{gmBean.map}"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.requestData}:" styleClass="txtgruen"/>
       <h:panelGrid columns="2"
       columnClasses="table_left, table_right"
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.type}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:selectOneMenu value="#{placeDetail.dropDownSelected}"
       onclick="return DoPostBack('placeDetail');"
       <f:selectItems value="#{placeDetail.dropDownPossibles}" />
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.title}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.title}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.forename}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.forename}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.surname}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.surname}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.emailFrom}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.emailFrom}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.callNumber}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.callNumber}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.locality}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.localityF}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.zip}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{placeDetail.zipF}" styleClass="txtklein"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{labels.message}" styleClass="bold"/>
       <h:inputTextarea value="#{placeDetail.message}" styleClass="txtklein" cols="64" rows="4"/>
       <h:commandButton id="submitId" value="#{labels.submit}"
       <a4j:jsFunction name="initializePoints" data="#{gmBean.point}"

      gmap bean:
      package at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
      import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlGmap;
      import at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller.model.MapData;
      public class GoogleMapController {
       // FIELDS
       /** google map */
       private HtmlGmap map;
       /** whole authorization for google map */
       private String gmapKey;
       /** google key for localhost - http://localhost:8080/ */
       private static final String GOOGLE_API_KEY =
       /** application url for localhost */
       private static final String APPL_URL = "localhost:8080";
       /** host string */
       private static final String HOST = "host";
       /** error message if key is not generated for <code>Bean.APPL_URL</code> */
       private static final String KEY_ERROR_MSG =
       "get the key for your domain at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html";
       /** style of the google map */
       private static final String MAP_STYLE = "width:250px;height:400px";
       /** java script method which load points for google map - ajax4jsf script */
       private static final String LOAD_POINTS_INITIALIZE = "initializePoints()";
       /** google map initial zoom */
       private static final String MAP_ZOOM_INITIAL = "15";
       /** google map initial type of show value */
       private static final String MAP_TYPE_INITIAL = "G_NORMAL_MAP";
       /** google map variable for java script */
       private static final String MAP_GMAP_VAR = "map";
       /** contains google map points data */
       private ArrayList<MapData> points;
       /** contains google map point data */
       private MapData point;
       /** point x */
       private String pointX;
       /** point y */
       private String pointY;
       private Boolean refresh = false;
       * empty constructor
       public GoogleMapController() {
       // nothing to do
       * set point to google map
       * @param desc
       * desc
       * @param geoX
       * geoX
       * @param geoY
       * geoY
       public void addPoint2Map(final String geoX, final String geoY,
       final String desc) {
       this.setPoint(new MapData(geoX, geoY, desc));
       * create the whole google map key
       * @return key generated key
       private String createKey() {
       HashMap<String, String> hosts = new HashMap<String, String>();
       ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
       String host = (String) ec.getRequestHeaderMap().get(
       String key = hosts.get(host);
       if (key != null) {
       return key;
       } else {
       return GoogleMapController.KEY_ERROR_MSG;
       * getter method
       * @return points google map points
       public ArrayList<MapData> getPoints() {
       return this.points;
       * setter method
       * @param points
       * google map points
       public void setPoints(final ArrayList<MapData> points) {
       this.points = points;
       * getter method
       * @return gmapKey
       public String getGmapKey() {
       if (this.gmapKey == null) {
       this.gmapKey = this.createKey();
       return this.gmapKey;
       * setter method
       * @param gmapKey
       * google map key
       public void setGmapKey(final String gmapKey) {
       this.gmapKey = gmapKey;
       * getter method
       * @return map
       public HtmlGmap getMap() {
       return this.map;
       * set the correct coordinates for the point - map will center this point
       * then
       * @param lattidude
       * lattidude value for map to focus point
       * @param longtitude
       * longtitude value for map to focus point
       public void centerMap2Point(final String longtitude, final String lattidude) {
       this.pointX = longtitude;
       this.pointY = lattidude;
       * setter method also initialized google map
       * @param map
       * google map
       public void setMap(final HtmlGmap map) {
       if (this.map == null) {
       this.map = map;
       } else {
       this.map = map;
       * getter method
       * @return point
       public MapData getPoint() {
       return this.point;
       * setter methods
       * @param point
       * point
       public void setPoint(final MapData point) {
       this.point = point;
       public Boolean getRefresh() {
       return refresh;
       public void setRefresh(Boolean refresh) {
       this.refresh = refresh;

      jsp controller
       * PlaceDetailControlller.java 1.00 Jun 08, 2007
       * Copyright (c) PROCON DATA Datenverarbeitung Gesellschaft m.b.H.
       * Project : GatheringPlace
       * Author : MPF
       * Email : markus_pfeiffer@aon.at
       * last change by : MPF, Jun 14, 2007
      package at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.List;
      import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
      import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
      import javax.faces.model.DataModel;
      import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
      import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
      import org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTable;
      import org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneMenu;
      import at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller.helper.ComponentSupport;
      import at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller.model.FormularRequestModel;
      import at.pcd.wam.technologie.controller.model.PlaceDetailModel;
      public class PlaceDetailController {
       // FIELDS
       /** place detail model */
       private PlaceDetailModel placeDetailModel;
       /** binding view data table for case data */
       private HtmlDataTable caseDataDataTable;
       /** contains drop down possibles */
       private List<SelectItem> dropDownPossibles;
       /** current selected from the drop down */
       private String dropDownSelected;
       /** contains user formular request input */
       private FormularRequestModel formModel;
       /** default value for drop down */
       private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "";
       private HtmlSelectOneMenu dropDown = new HtmlSelectOneMenu();
       * constructor
       public PlaceDetailController() {
       this.placeDetailModel = new PlaceDetailModel();
       this.dropDownPossibles = new LinkedList<SelectItem>();
       this.formModel = new FormularRequestModel();
       /* load drop down possible values and set them */
       /* get the given parameters [0]..contains dbk [1]..contains check */
       LinkedList<String> param = this.getParameter();
       if (this.checkValidation()) {
       /* load data from db and store at model */
       /* overwork the map to set the correct values */
       * check if value change event is valid
       * @param ve value change event
       * @return true .. value change event is valid - permission to execute changes
       * false .. value change event is invalid - no permission to change something
       private boolean valueChangeValid(final ValueChangeEvent ve) {
       /* ignore value change event if old value is null and new equals "" */
       return (!(ve.getOldValue() == null && ve.getNewValue().equals("")));
       * clear formular data
       private void clearFormularData() {
       this.formModel = new FormularRequestModel();
       this.dropDownSelected = PlaceDetailController.DEFAULT_VALUE;
       * insert request data into data base
       private void insertRequestData() {
       /* insert data */
       this.placeDetailModel.insertRequestData(this.formModel, this.dropDownSelected);
       /* clear view data */
       * ui method
       * insert user request data
       * @param event action event
       public void doInsert (final ActionEvent event) {
       * ui method
       * drop down value changed by user
       * @param event value changed event
       public void dropDownValueChanged(final ValueChangeEvent event) {
       if (this.valueChangeValid(event)) {
       /* set new selected value */
       this.dropDownSelected = (String) event.getNewValue();
       * load drop down possible data
       private void loadDropDownPossibles() {
       /* load drop down possible values and set */
       LinkedList<String> tmpList = this.placeDetailModel.loadDropDownValues();
       /* add default value */
       this.dropDownPossibles.add(new SelectItem(PlaceDetailController.DEFAULT_VALUE));
       /* set default dropDownSelected */
       this.dropDownSelected = PlaceDetailController.DEFAULT_VALUE;
       for (String element : tmpList) {
       /* add to view list */
       this.dropDownPossibles.add(new SelectItem(element));
       /* clear tmp list */
       tmpList = null;
       * get parameter from the request bean <code>{@link GetController}</code>
       * @return list which contains parameter values
       private LinkedList<String> getParameter() {
       /* get the current parameters */
       ParameterController paramContrl = (ParameterController) ComponentSupport.getSessionVariable("paramContrl");
       LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
       /* set this dbk */
       /* set this check */
       /* clear reference */
       paramContrl = null;
       return list;
       * check the validation of the hash value for the dbk
       * @return true .. valid
       * false .. invalid
       private boolean checkValidation() {
       //FIXME soll überprüfen ob der hash(check) eh zum dbk passt
       return true;
       * check the validation of the get parameter and if valid then set map values
       * @param geoX geocoordinate x
       * @param geoY geocoordinate y
       private void overworkMap(final String geoX, final String geoY) {
       /* get map controller to modify */
       GoogleMapController gMapCont = (GoogleMapController) ComponentSupport.getSessionVariable("gmBean");
       /* center the map to the point */
       gMapCont.centerMap2Point(geoX, geoY);
       /* add point to the map */
       gMapCont.addPoint2Map(geoX, geoY, this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getAddress());
       /* clear reference */
       gMapCont = null;
       * getter method
       * @return placeDetailModel
       public PlaceDetailModel getPlaceDetailModel() {
       return this.placeDetailModel;
       * setter method
       * @param placeDetailModel place detail model
       public void setPlaceDetailModel(final PlaceDetailModel placeDetailModel) {
       this.placeDetailModel = placeDetailModel;
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return address
       public String getAddress() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getAddress();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param address address
       public void setAddress(final String address) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return boroughNumber
       public String getBoroughNumber() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getBoroughNumber();
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @param boroughNumber boroughNumber
       public void setBoroughNumber(final String boroughNumber) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return collectorLocaltity
       public String getCollectorLocaltity() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getCollectorLocaltity();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param collectorLocaltity collectorLocaltity
       public void setCollectorLocaltity(final String collectorLocaltity) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return dbk
       public String getDbk() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getDbk();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param dbk dbk
       public void setDbk(final String dbk) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return district
       public String getDistrict() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getDistrict();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param district district
       public void setDistrict(final String district) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return locality
       public String getLocality() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getLocality();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param locality locality
       public void setLocality(final String locality) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return localityNumber
       public Integer getLocalityNumber() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getLocalityNumber();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param localityNumber localityNumber
       public void setLocalityNumber(final Integer localityNumber) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return zip
       public String getZip() {
       return this.placeDetailModel.getMasterData().getZip();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param zip zip
       public void setZip(final String zip) {
       * getter method
       * @return caseDataDataTable data table
       public HtmlDataTable getCaseDataDataTable() {
       return this.caseDataDataTable;
       * setter method
       * @param caseDataDataTable data table
       public void setCaseDataDataTable(final HtmlDataTable caseDataDataTable) {
       this.caseDataDataTable = caseDataDataTable;
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return case data
       public DataModel getCaseData() {
       return new ListDataModel(this.placeDetailModel.getCaseData().getList());
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return dropDownPossibles drop down possibles
       public List<SelectItem> getDropDownPossibles() {
       return this.dropDownPossibles;
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param dropDownPossibles drop down possibles
       public void setDropDownPossibles(final List<SelectItem> dropDownPossibles) {
       this.dropDownPossibles = dropDownPossibles;
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return dropDownSelected drop down selected
       public String getDropDownSelected() {
       return this.dropDownSelected;
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param dropDownSelected drop down selected
       public void setDropDownSelected(final String dropDownSelected) {
       this.dropDownSelected = dropDownSelected;
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return callNumber
       public String getCallNumber() {
       return this.formModel.getCallNumber();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param callNumber callNumber
       public void setCallNumber(final String callNumber) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return email
       public String getEmailFrom() {
       return this.formModel.getEmailFrom();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param emailFrom emailFrom
       public void setEmailFrom(final String emailFrom) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return forename
       public String getForename() {
       return this.formModel.getForename();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param forename forename
       public void setForename(final String forename) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return locality
       public String getLocalityF() {
       return this.formModel.getLocality();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param locality locality
       public void setLocalityF(final String locality) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return message
       public String getMessage() {
       return this.formModel.getMessage();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param message message
       public void setMessage(final String message) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return surname
       public String getSurname() {
       return this.formModel.getSurname();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param surname surname
       public void setSurname(final String surname) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return title
       public String getTitle() {
       return this.formModel.getTitle();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param title title
       public void setTitle(final String title) {
       * ui method
       * getter method
       * @return zip
       public String getZipF() {
       return this.formModel.getZip();
       * ui method
       * setter method
       * @param zip zip
       public void setZipF(final String zip) {
       public HtmlSelectOneMenu getDropDown() {
       return dropDown;
       public void setDropDown(HtmlSelectOneMenu dropDown) {
       this.dropDown = dropDown;