0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 28, 2006 8:59 AM by k2_4_u

    Fail-over not happening for DB Stored Procedure


      I am using JBoss 4.0.5. My cluster contains 2 nodes on different App servers on different boxes.

      I am invoking a Oracle stored procedure through JDBC. The call to stored procedure is from a simple POJO.

      The problem is, when the active node fails during the execution of the Stored Procedure, the stored procedure is not recovered when the second node takes-over. The invoked request just hangs and there is no trace of it in the second node. From the DB side I observed that the SP execution was also incomplete.

      Other database interactions (like select, updates etc) are being handled properly.

      I have tried all means that I could - but in vain. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

      -Thanks much-