4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 8, 2008 2:48 PM by viswanadhvk

    Deploying the application in selected nodes in a cluster


      Hi all, I have 3 nodes in my JBoss 4.2.1 server, and I would like to deploy my application in selected nodes only. Let us say Node1, Node2 Node3 are there, and I would like to deploy the application in Node1, Node3 only and not in Node2. If I go with "farm" deployment, I am able to deploy in all the nodes and if I UN-deploy, it is un-deployed from all the nodes. Can any body suggest how to deploy the application in selected nodes? Is there way through form deployment?


        • 1. Re: Deploying the application in selected nodes in a cluster

          The farm service won't do this for you. You'd need to do it manually or via a script.

          • 2. Re: Deploying the application in selected nodes in a cluster

            I think you can do that and you can still use farming. In the cluster-config.xml, you will need to change the partition name of Node1 and Node3 to same value. Make sure you don't specify partition name for Node3 (ie. let it use default partition). If you don't want to play with the config files, start JBoss with the partition (see the exact value in manual) name using -D option.
            You'll also probably need to create a multicast address and use that address when you are trying to start the jboss server. Check out the arguements that you can use when you start Jboss.
            Now Node1 and node3 are the part of partition, so farming will deploy/undeploy ears in that partition only.

            Hope that helps

            • 3. Re: Deploying the application in selected nodes in a cluster

              Hi Shoeb, thanks a lot for your mail.I am working in JBoss 4.2.1. I didn't find any file called cluster-config.xml and are you mentioning about the file with the name as "cluster-service.xml". If it is so please let me know ,where exactly i need to change in side that.


              • 4. Re: Deploying the application in selected nodes in a cluster

                I have been tring to do what you explained here.

                I am using JBoss 4.2.1 server.

                As you explained , in jboss there is folder called
                all\deploy\cluster-service.xml file. I changed the
                attribute called


                and I created 3 nodes Node1 , Node2 ,Node3

                Now I would like to deploy an application in in
                Node1,Node2 and not in Node3.

                So under Node1\deploy\cluster-service.xml ,I changed
                the above said attribute name as


                and also Node2\deploy\cluster-service.xml , I changed
                the above said attribute name as


                (** In Node2 also I made it as Node1 as you said.you
                said those should be same name).

                I didn't changed any thing other than what I said

                Now I am trying to deploy the application in all\farm
                folder ,so that it has to deploy in Node1,Node2.But
                some how it is not deploying in the nodes.