1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 21, 2009 9:43 PM by allen_lei

    How to check whether Jboss has joined cluster?

      I have copied "all" configuration and created a new configuration on my two server lying on the same network.
      I have restarted both servers using run -c atcc.
      In the Jmx-console, service: DefaultPartition,field currentview shows only one ip adress.
      does this mean that the other Jboss has not joined the cluster? If yes, how can I solve it? The both are running on "DefaultPartition" as I haven't changed any field.

      Please help me out.

        • 1. Re: How to check whether Jboss has joined cluster?

          It seems that one JBoss node not join ths cluster as you can see only one ip address by the "CurrentView" field.Does both of the two JBoss instances use the same ip address with different ports?If so,you can see the folowing in the "CurrentView" field:



          You can check this.

          And if you use apache and mod_jk for loadbalance,then you can monitor it with jkstatus page.

          Hope this will help you.