2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2002 9:35 PM by nhebert

    How to destroy a Session EJB. remove() doesn't


      Hi there,
      in a user management application, I am trying to develop the traditional "disconect this user" option for the site administrator.
      I store all user session EJBs (its local interface) in a ArrayList and when the admin wants to disconnect someone I remove the interface and invoke its remove() method.
      I suppoused that this would make that Session EJB be removed from the container, but the user that has a pointer to it can still access normally.
      Any ideas on how can I make the container destroy a certain EJB making any invocation to any of its method throw an exception?

        • 1. Re: How to destroy a Session EJB. remove() doesn't


          Your assumption may not be right in any servers.

          In the ejb 2.0 spec, section 7.6.3 says "The Bean Provider cannot assume that the Container will always invoke the ejbRemove() method on a session bean instance".

          The spec also suggests "The application using the session bean should provide some clean up mechanism to periodically clean up the unreleased resources".

          But I wonder you could call a "disconnect" method in your case.


          • 2. Re: How to destroy a Session EJB. remove() doesn't


            You mention that you have a reference to a local
            interface of a session bean. Is this session bean
            stateful or stateless?

            If the session bean is stateless, then calling
            remove on the local (proxy) interface only serves
            to invalidate that one proxy. This does not call
            the ejbRemove() on an actual bean instance since
            that proxy is *not* associated with a specific bean

            The bean container decides when to call ejbRemove()
            when it determines it needs more resources or it
            times out.

            If the session bean is stateful, then calling remove
            on the local (proxy) interface should cause the
            ejbRemove() of the actual bean instance for which it
            is associated to be called and thus destroyed.

            If a user were to have a duplicate reference to the
            stateful proxy, then it should get a RemoteException
            when invoking a method on the now destroyed bean

