1. Re: ServerSocket MBean
infectedrhythms Dec 3, 2004 3:35 PM (in response to infectedrhythms)So here goes...
I currently have some "services" application that run there own TCP/IP server socket. They use that socket to receive requests, process the request and respond back to the client. Bassically we design a very crewd RPC...
Now recently I started looking to maybe porting these application as JBoss MBean services...
So I was thinking maybe I could separate the server code of these "services" and have them share one server.
How would I go about implementing this? and would it be worthwile?
1- Create an MBean that creates a server. As service beging to create themselves, they register a handler with this MBean. When this MBean receives a request, it will pass therequest to the appropriate handler. The server will determine the handler through the incomming request....
2- Create an MBean that creates a ServerSocket and passes it back to the requesting MBean. Personally I see this no different then just creating the ServerSocket code in my actual services...