1. Re: Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project
alinemarchi Oct 16, 2005 2:52 PM (in response to ios888)Hi
I am starting now with the EJB and I have the same problem that you have. Have you solved this problem? can you tell how to find the Packaging Configuration using Eclipse IDE for JBoss?
my email adress alinem@inf.ufsc.br
Thanks. -
2. Re: Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project
jadeking Oct 17, 2005 10:00 PM (in response to ios888)maybe the plugin is not completed
jade king! -
3. Re: Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project
pomeloverde Oct 19, 2005 3:29 PM (in response to ios888)I have installed JBoss AS 4.0.3 and JBoss Eclipse IDE Milestone 3, and there is no problem.
Although the next recommendations probably are not related to that problem, them are very convenient:
I have installed the JDK, JRE, JBoss AS and JBoss IDE into paths with no spaces. If you use Windows, don't accept the default "C:\Program Files\..." base path for the applications. For example, I setup all installations into "C:\Java\...".
Be sure you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your JDK installation path, and remember again that it should reside in a path without spaces on the name.
Enjoy EJB3! -
4. Re: Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project
kaja78 Nov 30, 2005 5:16 AM (in response to ios888)The packaging node is available in the project properties only,if you are in "Java perspective". If you are in "Resource perspective", packaging node is not available....
5. Re: Packaging Configuration on EJB3.0 Project
mesiasdiabolico Dec 3, 2005 9:17 PM (in response to ios888)i had the same problem and solved it.
cause: JIDE Plugin Incomplete Installation.
try this: http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jboss/JBossIDE-1.5RC1-ALL.zip