1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 4, 2009 7:39 AM by heiko.braun



      Currently we have a Getting Started Guide, which ideally just needs to provide basic information to get up and running using some of the examples - which I think it does. Although it will need to be updated in the near future to show the new console.

      In terms of other documentation, I currently need to document:

      (a) deployment of a BPEL process into JBossAS as a jar
      (b) use of the ESB action to invoke a BPEL process from an ESB service

      The first area probably belongs in an admin guide, where we could also go into more detail on the management console etc.

      Does the ESB integration belong in a developer guide or do we just have a single user guide that covers all other topics?

      I don't think we will be producing BPEL guides.